By-O-reg+ Beef*

University Tested, Producer Approved

An all-natural feed additive to support and maintain optimal performance

Here at Advanced Ag Products, we know firsthand how difficult beef production can be, that is why we created By-O-reg+ Beef.  This user friendly, on farm product was designed specifically for all classes of beef production.  This product was formulated with production, feed efficiency, and health challenges in mind.  With the rising cost of beef production, having optimal performance and minimizing enteric challenges in every head counts.  As a beef producer, if you want healthy, high performing cattle that will offer a high return on investment, feeding By-O-reg+ Beef is the solution.


*Terms and Conditions Apply

By-O-reg+ Beef Feed Supplement in Canton, South Dakota

University Tested, Producer Approved

Proven to maximize performance

By-O-reg+ Canton, South Dakota
Animal Feed Supplements in Canton, South Dakota

By-O-reg Contains:

Controlled Release Nutrients: Patented technology used with an essential oil blend allows release of the functional ingredients throughout the entire GI tract.

Natural Essential Oils: Oregano and Cassia are well-established ingredients in livestock nutrition. The antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and other benefits are seen in commercial, natural, and organic production.

Beta Glucan: Beta Glucans are special carbohydrates that are extracted from the inner wall of yeast cells. Beta Glucans are strong promoters of the animal’s natural immune system.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin that is a strong immune stimulant.

FOS: Fructooligosaccharides are complex starch molecules that are not easily digestible by pathogenic organisms. They can, however, be digested by desirable bacteria in the GI tract. Use of FOS will aid lactobacillus organisms
as they compete with pathogens for food and space in the GI tract.

By-O-reg Is Unique to the Industry

While the use of essential oil products is not new, the results that By-O-reg+ delivers are revolutionary. The consistent source of high quality ingredients and specific product formulation establish a healthy gut and maximize productivity.

Patented Time Release Technology

By-O-reg+ Canton, South Dakota
A non-encapsulated essential oil product comprised solely of small droplets can be absorbed upon consumption. By-O-reg+ varies the size of the encapsulated essential oils, allowing the larger particles to travel further down the GI tract where they can be absorbed in the lower intestine and have a greater impact on gut health. The encapsulation prevents the essential oils in By-O-reg+ from volatizing, oxidizing, binding or interacting with other ingredients in the diet. The time release technology delivers active ingredients throughout the entire GI tract.

Improving Gut Health, Maximizing Performance

Achieving maximum performance begins with a healthy gut. By-O-reg+ enhances the microbiome of the intestinal tract, thereby increasing enzyme production and providing for a more efficient absorption of nutrients.

By improving the integrity of the intestinal lining, toxins and undigested food particles have difficulty passing into the bloodstream.

Oxidative Stress and Hormones

University studies involving blood and tissue samples from
By-O-reg+ animals have demonstrated increased estradiol and a reduction of protein carbonyl (indicator of oxidative stress.)

Reducing protein carbonyl increases energy, lowers stress, and allows for an increased heat tolerance. Increased estradiol supports the reproductive system.

Animal Feed Supplements in Canton, South Dakota

Optimizing Herd Productivity Begins with the Sow

Using By-O-reg+ in sows delivers the following:

  • Faster breed back, higher conception rate
  • Faster farrowing, fewer stillborn
  • More piglets born live, more piglets weaned
  • Uniformity in size of piglets, heavier weights at weaning
  • Reduced scours
  • Increased colostrum protein
By-O-reg+ Canton, South Dakota

A Healthy Start in the Industry

One of the most challenging times on a farm is the introduction of piglets into the nursery. There, the stress from weaning leaves the piglets susceptible to a myriad of health problems. By-O-reg+ helps reduce oxidative stress, boost the immune system, and establish gut microflora, resulting in maximum performance and smooth transitions throughout. This is accomplished in part by reducing inflammation and increasing villi surface area throughout the intestinal tract.
By-O-reg+ Canton, South Dakota

Healthier Grow, Faster Finish

By establishing and maintaining a healthy gut, growers maximize returns through improved feed conversion, rate of gain and overall health. Utilizing data from the NC State University trial, By-O-reg+ demonstrated a 13.86% faster grow rate and reduced overall feed consumption by 12.28%.
By-O-reg+ Canton, South Dakota


All university studies are available upon request.

  • South Dakota State University: Sow Oregano essential oil supplementation in gestation and lactation shortened birthing interval in primparous and multiparous sows. M. Renken, R. Thaler, C. L. Levesque
  • North Carolina State Grower: Supplemental effects of By-O-reg+ on growth efficiency and health status of growing-finishing pigs. S. W. Kim
  • North Carolina State Nursery: “Supplemental effects of By-O-reg+ to enhance gut integrity, immune status, and growth performance of newly weaned pigs. I. Park, J. K. Lee, J. Wang, S. W. Kim.
  • Kansas State Nursery: Determining the Impact of By-O-reg+ in Diets with or Without a Feed Grade Antibiotic on Growth Performance of Nursery Pigs. L.L. Thomas, J.C. Woodworth, R.D. Goodband, J.M. Derouchey, M.D. Tokach, and S.S. Dritz

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